Taxes on Real Estate in Netherlands for Expats

Let’s dive into the fascinating world of Real Estate Tax! Real Estate Tax is a term that might sound a little daunting at first, but fear not! In simple terms, it refers to the taxes…

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Buying a Home in Netherlands as an Expat

Hey there, fellow expats! Welcome to the wonderful world of the Netherlands, where you’ll find tulips, windmills, and a thriving expat community. If you’re considering buying a home in this picturesque country, you’re in the…

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Buying a House in the Netherlands as an Expat

Hey there, folks! Welcome to my blog post all about buying a home in The Netherlands as an expat. Now, before we dive in, let’s get on the same page about what an “Expat” really…

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Effects of Carbon Dioxide on Our Climate

Introducing Carbon Dioxide: The Not-So-Friendly Climate Companion Hey there, folks! Today, I want to chat about a little troublemaker called carbon dioxide and its impact on our climate. Now, you might be thinking, “What’s the…

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Rising Heat Illnesses The Climate Change Risk

Well, folks, let me break it down for you. Heat illness is no joke. It’s when your body starts to feel the burn from being exposed to high temperatures for too long. And let me…

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Adapting to a New Climate

I Can Feel the Heat: How Climate Change is Impacting Our Bodies Hey there, folks! Let’s dive right in and talk about the hot topic on everyone’s minds these days – climate change. Now, you’ve…

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Building Social Connections Abroad

Living abroad, folks, is a whole new ball game! It’s like diving into the deep end with no floaties, but trust me, the experience is worth it. Picture this, you’re in a foreign land, away…

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Unlocking Emotional Wellbeing as an Expat

Hey there, fellow globetrotters! So, let’s kick things off with a quick definition. What’s an expat, you ask? Well, an expat, short for expatriate, is someone like you and me who’s chosen to live and…

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Coping Strategies for Positive Expat Living

Hey there! Welcome to my blog where I’ll be sharing my experiences as an expat and offering up some handy tips for making the most of your journey abroad. So, what exactly is an expat?…

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The Benefits of Staying Positive as an Expat

So, you’ve decided to take the leap and become an expat. Welcome to the exciting world of living abroad! Being an expat can be a thrilling adventure, but it’s not always smooth sailing. As someone…

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