Tips to Enhance Your Festival Experience

Ah, festival season; a time for fun, laughter and good vibes! Whether you’re into music, food or arts, there’s something for every kind of person. But just like everything else in life, it takes some…

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Adapting to Life as an Expat Staying Flexible

What is an expat? An expat is someone who lives in a country other than the one of their birth or citizenship. These individuals often face unique challenges as they navigate a new culture, language…

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Exploring the World’s Best Cities for Expat Living

Ahoy, expats! You’ve come to the right place if you’re looking for a change of scenery and a chance to starting living la vida loca in a new city. We’ll be taking an in-depth look…

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Building a Career as an Expat

An expat is an individual who temporarily moves abroad to live and work in another country. It’s a great way for someone to experience a different culture, make connections around the world, and build their…

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Explore Local Festivals & Celebrations

Local festivals and celebrations are a great way to take a break from the hustle and bustle of life, connect with your community, and explore different cultures. Whether it’s a neighborhood block party or a…

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Networking Key to Success for Expats

An expat is a person who has chosen to take up residency and live in a different country than the one they were born in. It’s an exciting endeavour that can bring with it great…

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The Benefits of Self-Care for Expats

An expat, or expatriate, is simply a person living outside their home country for an extended period of time. It could be for work, travel, study, or any combination of those. Self-care is vital for…

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Finding the Best Country for Work-Life Balance

Introduction Ain’t it the truth that these days, everyone’s always striving to achieve the right work-life balance? In the age of hustle culture and the 24/7 gig economy, it’s all too easy to get buried…

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The Challenges of Living Abroad

Introduction Living abroad can be one of the best experiences a person could ever have. From experiencing different cultures to getting immense professional opportunities, there’s something for everyone. But all that doesn’t come without its…

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Making Friends as an Expat Tips and Strategies

Introduction to Ex Pats and Making friends So you’ve just moved abroad as an expat? Congrats! But if you’re anything like me, you may be feeling a little daunted by the thought of having to…

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